ABAG – Associação Brasileira de Aviação Geral

Notícias e Agenda ABAG

Cybercriminals Targeting Bizav Travelers

Cybercriminals Targeting Bizav Travelers

"The big move in cybercrime is to find out what your business is going to do and use the inside information for stock trading. We`re talking billions in illicit profits," he said. Flight department customers, Turpin noted, often possess such information. The cybergang DarkHotel, operating in Asia, was reported by the FBI in 2012 and remains active, and the APT28 Hacking Group in Europe and the Middle East was reported last year. "They compromise the network of a luxury hotel and send fake software update messages to network users," he said. "It`s going to update the computer with a virus designed to steal access codes and credentials and look for information of value."   To combat this and other cybersecurity threats, Turpin advises avoiding shared networks, public charging stations, and sketchy ATMs, which can be vectors for malware or identity theft. He also advises using "burner," or one-time-use, mobile phones, tablets, and laptops for travel in insecure areas.   Fonte: AINonline by James Wynbrandt

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